Avocado Lettuce Tomato Sandwich (ALT)

Have you ever written a list of your favorite foods? Avocado is at the top of my list. Yes of course there are other favorites—artichokes, blueberries, a good steak—but avocado is queen of them all. As long as I can remember, my family has always had avocados in the house, either out on the counter ripening, or in the fridge. For a couple glorious years we even had an avocado tree, until it died in a freeze. :-(
So no wonder my father’s most treasured sandwich is, as he affectionately calls it, the A.L.T.—avocado, lettuce, and tomato, on toast. Of course he thinks he invented this sandwich, and he did, as have thousands of other avocado lovers around the world. I once asked him, why not add bacon? His response? A grumbled, “Why should I? It’s perfectly fine with avocado,” along with a look that said, if I wanted a BLT I would have made a BLT. That’s my dad. Do not get between him and his food. Of course if you want to add a couple strips of bacon to your ALT (that would make it a BLAT), be my guest!

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