How many eggs can be eaten safely?

How many eggs can be eaten safely?

Nutritionally, eggs have a lot to offer. With about 70 calories in one large egg, which are an excellent source of protein that helps stabilize blood sugar levels in the blood and provides a structure for the body. Egg protein is also of high quality by providing all essential amino acids.

Egg yolks also contains antioxidants that may reduce the risk of macular degeneration related to age and cataracts, and protect against heart disease, stroke and some cancers. One large egg is also an excellent source of selenium, mineral antioxidant that combats cell damage caused by free radicals and support the thyroid and immune function and riboflavin, a B vitamin that helps convert carbohydrates into energy, and vitamin D, important for strong bones and teeth.

All good things. So an egg a day is okay?
Science is not entirely clear. A 2003 study published in the British Medical Journal, found that among 115,000 adults followed for 14 years, eating one egg per day was not associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

The eggs can also be filled, and can even help you eat less.
In a study published in 2013 by the European Journal of Nutrition, 30 healthy men were randomly assigned to one of three eat breakfast-eggs on toast, cereal with milk and toast or a croissant and orange juice on three separate occasions, each separated for one week. Topics sense fuller and less hungry and had less desire to eat after breakfast eggs breakfast others. They also ate less for lunch and dinner after the egg breakfast compared to other breakfasts.
In another study published in 2011 in the International Journal of Food Science Nutrition adults ate three meals - omelettes, potatoes or skinless chicken sandwich (each had similar calorie) - after a standard breakfast. The researchers found that breakfast egg was significantly more satisfying than food potatoes. They concluded that the eggs for breakfast can increase satiety with a meal high in carbohydrates and can even help reduce calorie intake between meals.
Since the relationship between overweight and heart disease is well established, Thumbs Up eggs for appetite control.

But no precautions. Eggs are a source of saturated fat and too saturated been shown to increase total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol, the risk factors of cardiovascular disease.

While a large egg contains about 1.6 grams of saturated fat, more than half of the grease in an egg - just 2.7 grams f healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids Heart (omega 3, in particular) combined.

Guidelines suggest 300 milligrams of cholesterol daily diet ceiling. For those with heart disease, type-2, or LDL (bad) cholesterol, the the National Education Cholesterol Program (NCEP) and American Heart Association suggests limiting cholesterol intake to 200 milligrams a day diabetes. Although a large egg also contains 180 milligrams of cholesterol, several studies have questioned the relationship between dietary cholesterol and heart disease and stroke.

A study published in 2012 in atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in the carotid arteries and self-reported behavior were measured (including the contribution of egg yolk and consumption of snuff) seniors were evaluated in 1231. The researchers found that although plaque accumulation occurred regularly in the participants, after 40 years, those who ate the highest amount of egg yolks - three or more a week - had a similar accumulation of plaque (which believes it is not so bad) like that seen in cigarette smokers.
Although publicized in the media, several experts have questioned the results and study quality.
However, a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that eating two eggs boiled one days increased the formation of trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), a chemical linked to increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Egg yolks contain lecithin, an essential fat which contributes to the formation of TMAO.

It is therefore prudent to keep the recommendation of the American Heart Association to one egg per day or seven per week.

It can be difficult to know how many eggs or egg products we consume each week. Try to limit to a single whole egg (and add a few extra egg whites and vegetables) to do scrambled eggs, omelets and frittatas. It's good to have some extra egg whites during the week.

Be aware of other foods usually with eggs, including baked goods, French bread, Caesar salad dressing and some others, meatballs and meatloaf. 

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