How to choose healthy foods.

*How to choose healthy foods*

Every day we have many choices about what to eat and drink. Discretionary foods are high in saturated fat, salt, sugar and kilojoules added. Dietary guidelines recommend that Australia decided mainly food groups and limit of decision five foods are higher in saturated fats, salt and added sugars.
Discretionary food is easier, cheaper and more attractive than ever election. Recent studies on the dietary habits of Australia tell us that we chose to often discretionary food and drinks and that is, we get too many kilojoules and Miss enough nutritious foods from the five food groups.

Where are you now?

The first step to ensure a healthy and balanced diet and controlling your weight is a look at how you are going to take now. Use the table above to find out how much you need, these are the five food groups for their age and gender.
The "Are you healthy? Quiz eat in the book Dietary Guidelines also provide useful information summary acerca where to direct their efforts to better effect.

Too much food discretion and beverages

Snacks discretion Exchange in the five food groups.
Choose fruit desserts and low fat milk or yogurt.
Instead of delivery or cooked food for lunch, leftovers from dinner the day before taking or freezer.

The foods and beverages high limit saturated fat, salt, sugar and alcohol,

The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend that we limit the amount of saturated fats, salt, sugar, and eat and drink the alcohol added.
Change discretion eating five food groups is the amount of saturated fat, more salt and sugar you eat to reduce and give you more fiber. It will also help reduce your kilojoules and lose weight.

Read labels to compare products, is also a good way to limit saturated fats, with added sugar, salt and kilojoules.
It can also be useful to plan ahead to eat outside.
Another strategy, in addition to limit and avoid food and drinks discretionary kilojoules when it comes to losing weight, to be selective, focusing on smaller portions and eat more "mindfulness."

Most people have discretionary Favorites meals and drinks. Some people have a sweet tooth and chocolate would others prefer salty. Some people enjoy a good glass of wine, more than anything else. The first step in reducing food discretion is to be selective, only to have the discretionary decisions you like and buy the best quality you can afford.

Second consider how little, we were able to have and enjoy more. These are the first bites, which are the best and begins later, will our pleasure. Often we have a lot. We always appreciate a smaller portion. Sometimes just a taste is all you need. Being able to taste the small discretion foods can be sometimes more often better than much.

But the key to eating enjoy smaller portions is "mindfulness". This means removing other distractions or wait to make them disappear, concentration on only eating and use all your senses to enjoy the food. Eat slowly, thinking about how food looks, smells, tastes and feels in your mouth.

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