How to Build Muscle?

*How to Build Muscle?*

Are you looking to build muscle and burn calories more efficiently? This does not happen overnight (like any bodybuilder can tell), but you'll be well on your way to add muscle to your frame to constantly follow these steps mass.

Part 1 of 3: Diet

1 * Increase your intake of calories. For example, if you are eating 2000 calories a day, which rises to 2,500 calories or more. But make sure you're eating clean, and do not overeat.

2 * Getting enough protein to support muscle growth. Aim for at least 1-2 g of protein per pound of body weight. For example, if you weigh 180 pounds, drink at least 180-360g - or about 6.12 ounces - of protein a day.

3 * Drink plenty of water. The body requires a sufficient amount of water to build muscle at an optimum rate. Here's a great little formula to help ensure you are getting enough: Body weight in pounds x 0.6 = intake in ounces

4 * Eat regularly. Instead of having two or three large meals a day - something we grew up with - change your eating habits so that you eat five or six small meals throughout the day.
To help keep your intake of high protein, one or two of those meals can be a protein shake. Here's an example, if a quick Internet search will discover hundreds of delicious protein shakes:
8 ounces skim milk
1 banana
1 tablespoon peanut butter
2 scoops of protein powder

5 * Eating fat. This is true - not only makes food taste good, fat is good for you as long as you eat the right types and amounts of fat! Saturated fat - fat found in a stick of butter, a bag of chips or bacon - should be limited to about 20 grams or less. That's the bad news. The good news is that unsaturated fats are actually beneficial, even necessary. You need fat for proper distribution of vitamins A, D, E and K, it helps promote better eyesight, and healthy skin. Depending on their consumption of total calories, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats 50-70g is beneficial to their education and their health in general.
Monounsaturated fats are found in olive, canola and sesame; attorney; and nuts such as almonds, cashews, peanuts and pistachios.
Polyunsaturated fats include corn oil, cottonseed oil and safflower; sunflower seeds and oils; Flaxseed and flaxseed oil; soybeans and soybean oil.
Omega-3, a winner of a fat which is very beneficial for heart health and blood, eyesight, and the brain development of children. You will find this fat in many food fatty acids omega-3-rich. Another great source is fatty cold water fish like salmon, tuna, trout and sardines.
A good way to determine how many grams of fat you should take is to increase your calorie intake by 001 to maximum trans fats; by 0,008 up to saturated fat; and 0.03 for the "good fats". For example, for a 2500 calorie diet, you want to limit trans fat 3 grams or less of saturated fat to 20g or less, and up to 75g monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

6 * Take your vitamins. In addition to a well balanced diet, including a multivitamin supplement to your diet. It will ensure that your body receives the full amount of vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy. There are many options, depending on your age, sex, and health needs and special diets. Find the one that suits you, and make part of your daily routine.

Part 2 of 3: Exercise Guidelines

1 * A good diet is necessary for your body to be able to maximize their potential, but there is no potential for anything until you begin the process of demolition of their old muscles enlarge and rebuild bigger and stronger. The best way is to start at the beginning.

2 * Reheat. Before starting an exercise routine, whether a dead lift just jogging, or 300 pounds, start with a low-intensity workout designed to warm up all the muscles that are about to work. Not only will it help you get in the right frame of mind, you can help prevent injuries.
  • Never stretch a cold muscle. Research has shown that pre-workout stretching, unlike the deep-seated public opinion does not prevent injuries and may actually result in poorer performance. Stretching is best done after a workout.

3 * Work harder, but shorter. Training high-level representatives is good to increase performance, but it will not help build size or strength. Instead, the goal of about 3-8 per muscle group, and 6-12 repetitions per set for normal routine. His final rep should be very difficult to complete! If not, increase the weight you lift.
  • Limit your overall training 45 minutes a day.
  • Every four to six weeks, vary your routine. As your body adapts to the stress, which has reached a plateau where the benefits of weight training will begin to decrease. The only way around this is to change, for example by increasing exercise and weight change. Try a week of very stacking the weight on and make three fifty-eight representatives for the maximum weight they can handle with good form.

4 * It works the whole body. You will see the most benefit when your whole body is part of the routine. The more muscles you use during training, more hormones are produced (including epinephrine and norepinephrine), which in turn stimulates muscle growth both during exercise and throughout the day.
  • Give all muscle groups same attention as five sets of lines after five rounds of the bench press. This will promote the balanced formation, growth and flexibility.
  • Compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, -presses, rows and pull-ups use many different muscles.
  • You can work the whole body in each session, or split your sessions between, for example, upper body one day and lower body the next.
  • Do not run. Advanced lifters often base their routines around a technique called repetition explosive. In other words, they lift a lot of weight in a short time (explosive). There are significant advantages to this method, the risk of injury among novice athletes is high. It is recommended for advanced athletes only.

5 * Limit your cardiovascular workout. By doing cardio is great for burning fat, you can limit muscle growth burning glycogen and amino acids. If you must maintain cardio as part of your fitness plan, try to sprint intervals: one minute of full sprint, followed by two minutes of light jogging. To do this, no more than half an hour, three times a week. If you play sports, eat more to make up for the lost calories.

6 * Get your rest. Your body needs time to recover and repair (construction) muscles, and to do that you need at least 7 or 8 hours of sleep per night. Avoid caffeine and alcohol to a deeper sleep.
Besides the right amount of sleep, do not overdo your training regimen. While you may be tempted to think that "more is better", in fact, the opposite is true. You can get to a point known as "overtraining" in which the ability to "pump" (clog the muscles with oxygen-rich blood) is lost, and can even lead to muscle atrophy - the exact opposite what is trying to achieve. Here are some symptoms to be aware if you think you may be falling in the area of ​​overtraining:
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Loss of strength
  • Loss of appetite
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Low libido
  • Chronic pain
  • Prone to injury
  •  To avoid over-training, establish a program that works for you and your goals. Here is an example of a split routine that gives you plenty of time to break down muscles, and leave plenty of time to recover, even more than before:
  • Day 1: Chest and biceps, followed by 30 minutes of high intensity cardio.
  • Day 2: Legs, triceps and abs, followed by 30 minutes of high intensity cardio.
  • Day 3: shoulders and back, followed by 30 minutes of high intensity cardio.
  • Day 4: Chest, biceps and abs.
  • Day 5 - Day 7, rest.

7 * Reduce your stress level. Whether your stress comes from work, at home, or just as you are wired, do what you can to reduce or eliminate. It is not only good for you overall, but stress increases production of the hormone cortisol, a hormone that stimulates your body to store fat and burn muscle tissue.

Part 3 of 3: specific muscle exercises

1 * Target your chest chest exercises. The bench press is the most reliable way to gain muscle chest, but there are many different exercises for the chest.
  • Do pushups. Combine with other pushups chest exercises, or done independently. Keep your arms shoulder-width apart and lower. More hands are to each other, the more you will work your triceps.
  • For the bench press, start with a weight that you can lift comfortably. If you are a beginner, try to raise the bar with £ 5 or £ 10 on each side. With arms at shoulder width, grab the bar and slowly lower the bar until it is about to touch the bottom of his chest; explosive push up until arms are fully extended upward. Perform 8-10 reps (repetitions) like this for three sets (3 x 8), add extra weight in each set.
  • Lifting weights in the incline bench press. The inclination is like the bench press, but the bank rises slightly to about 40 degrees. Forum 3 x 8. It will be harder to raise the bar on a slope, so start with less weight than you would on the bench.

2 * Target your triceps exercises arm. Dips are probably the most effective way to work your triceps, which is the biceps muscle in his way. You will need to have strong triceps bench press large amounts of weight.
  • To make sauce, place your hands wide shoulders on a bench with your body and your legs extended in front of the bench. Slowly bend your elbows and lower your body down to his butt almost touches the ground. Pull back with arms to the starting position; repeat, do 3 x 20.
  • Alternatively, you can take a dip in the chest in a dipping machine, grabbing the two beams, bending the foot on the floor and lowering your body until your knees almost touch the ground. Pull back the arms until they lock.
  • Having skull crushers. Lie on a bench with a bar. Bend your elbows so that the bar is a few inches from his face. Gently push the bar until your arms are fully extended before bringing the weight down. Keep your elbows close together. Repeat 3 x 8.
  • Having dumbbell press head. Take a dumbbell and gently lift above his head so that his forearm grip the dumbbell are horizontally behind you. Raise your arm vertically above his head, being careful not to hit your head with the dumbbell. Keep your elbows close together. 3 x 8.

3 * Target your biceps arm exercises. Weights bending arms are probably the most effective way to improve the strength of your biceps shape. As with all exercises to build muscle steadily increasing the weight you lift.
  • Do push-individual arms with weights. Sit on a bench and hang a stick on the ground, his hand between her thighs. Using his thigh as a pivot, lift the dumbbell all the way to the upper chest by bending the arm up. Go to the opposite hand and repeat. 3 x 8.
  • No arm curls on a weighted bar. Standing capture a weighted barbell with both hands. Let the arms extend all the way down to the thighs. Using only your arms, lift the weight to your chest, bending your arms up. 3 x 8.
  • No pull-ups. Go and grab a horizontal bar is comfortably bigger than you. Lift your legs back so it is hanging in the bar. With your shoulder width apart, palms facing you hands, lift your head high bar using only your arms. 2 x 8.

4 * Work your quadriceps and hamstrings with squats. Squats are the exercise of fire for building muscle in the legs. Here are three different types of squats that work different parts of your leg muscles.
  •         Doing squats with a weighted standard bar. Put enough weight on a bar 45 pounds and the rack so that it is slightly lower than shoulder height. Duck under the bar and find that the rod fits comfortably between the shoulder blades. The knees should be bent slightly. Lift the bar off the rack and step back. Your legs should be slightly wider than shoulders.
  • Slowly bring the weight down by bending your knees. Keep your hips under the bar.
  • Arch your back slightly, but keep your torso upright.
  • Bring your buttocks as far as possible, maintaining tension in the muscles of the legs.
  • Breathe deeply and use your legs and hips, not the back, the squat. 3 x 10.
  • Do front squats with a weighted bar. Shelf weighted bar just below the shoulder. Come to the bar forward, placing the bar on your shoulders forward. Cross your arms over the bar and out. Keeping your back straight, bend your legs in a squat with your hips under the bar. Explode up and repeat. 3 x 10.
  • Belgians do squats with a barbell. Stand in front of his chest a dumbbell with both hands. Standing in front of a bench, lift your right leg back so that it is parallel to the floor and rest comfortably on the bench. Curve in a squat using the left leg, so that the right knee almost touches the ground. Explode upward. 3 x 8. Repeat using the opposite leg.

5 * Target your abs with abdominal and core exercises. It defines your abdominal stomach muscles, you who look chiseled 6-pack delivery. There are a variety of exercises that work the abs. Here are a couple.
  • Making rules / abdominal oblique. Lie on a mat and place both arms behind your head without locking your hands. Bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor. Push the lower back on the floor, slowly turn the shoulders off the ground just a few inches (not all the way to the feet). Do not use your momentum to help you up; with slow, controlled movements. Repeat 3 x 20.
  • For oblique crunches, incline the trunk to the side as you lift your shoulders off the floor. Alternate sides after each crisis.
  • Are the boards to work the abdominals and core. Lie face down on the floor. Stand up for your body is parallel to the floor, with your forearms (flat on the floor) and toes support weight. Keep your body straight and hold the position for as long as possible.

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