Physical activity promotes weight loss

*Physical activity promotes weight loss*

Content is current at the time of publication.

Physical activity promotes weight loss
Physical activity promotes weight loss poidsPerdre can improve your health in many ways. But what most people do not realize is that it is not necessary to waste a lot to derive immediate health benefits. In fact, losing just 10% of its body weight, for example, gives more energy and helps you sleep better, while helping to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke (stroke) and lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

The best approach to losing weight is to eat less unhealthy foods, monitor portion sizes and do more physical activity. For example, if you make a brisk 30 minutes you spend about 150 calories. And if you go to eat your apple fritter daily, you just cut 350 calories. Total calories less in a day: 500 calories! If one pound equals 3,500 calories, you could well lose a pound a week. Do you understand the principle?

Physical activity can help you control your weight by using excess calories that otherwise would be stored as fat. Balance your consumption and your calorie expenditure through physical activity can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Physical activity can include walking, running, basketball or any other sport, or gardening or walking the dog. If you are sedentary for a while, start out slowly and build up to 30 minutes a day at a pace that you find comfortable. If you can not be active 30 minutes at a time, accumulate physical activity throughout the day in episodes 10 to 15 minutes.

The resistance training can also help you to spend extra calories and build muscles, strong bones and joints. Specialists recommend resistance training two to three times a week by agreeing a full day of rest between activities to allow muscles to recover. If you've never lifted weights or physical activity in general, consider engaging the services of a personal trainer who can plan for you a customized program to allow you to train effectively and safely.

Now that you are ready to move your body, consider what you eat. Make small changes and choose your food better. Be careful not to increase the amount of calories you consume each day. If you have never done physical activity, fight the urge to eat more after being active. Plan ahead. Prepare a snack for after exercise. Among the good snack choices include apples, bananas, yogurt or whole wheat crackers with peanut butter.

Another strategy that can help is to keep a food diary and exercise. Enter how long physical activity you are doing. This will help you get into the habit. By registering you eat throughout the day, you will become aware of your food choices and it might help you to think more about your food choices and portion sizes. After three days of monitoring your diet, see what small changes you can make to reduce the number of calories you consume each day. For example, if you notice that you drink three cups of coffee with 25 ml (2 tbsp.) Cream per day (the equivalent of 120 calories), try to change to milk to 1% or 2% which saves you 87 calories per day. Or better yet, try to wean yourself off the cream and drink your coffee black, representing 120 fewer calories a day. Among the unhealthy foods that add excess calories each day, there are donuts, chips, soft drinks and chocolate bars (like that you eat to stay awake for 15 hours). A five-minute walk you could wake up as much.

The double-barreled strategy which consists in being more physically active and avoid unhealthy foods so you can lose two, five or seven kg (five, 10 or 15 pounds). But remember that healthy weight loss is around one to two pounds per week.

Lose 5 pounds in a month

Whether you are just above a healthy weight or trying to reach a modest goal, whatever your challenge, here's how:

Commit to practicing 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Walking is the easiest activity to integrate.
Cut one or two unhealthy foods from your diet each day for a month (Cream in coffee? Soda? Fast foods?). Monitor the size of your portions at meals. (See information on serving sizes in Resources, below).
Lose 10 pounds in two months

Thus, you feel more confident to get rid of your excess weight. It's a good thing. Try this:

1*Commit to doing 45 minutes of physical activity every day, whether walking, biking or tennis.
2*Eliminate three to four unhealthy foods from your diet each day for two months (Chips? Treats?). Monitor the size of your portions at meals. (See information on serving sizes in Resources, below).
3*Add resistance training, lifting weights two, five or seven kg (five, 10 or 15 pounds) twice a week. Do two sets of 12 repetitions.
Lose 15 pounds in three months

You really are serious about losing weight you carry this for a while. Congratulations. Here's how to blend those pounds:

 1 - Commit to do 30 minutes of physical activity twice a day, whether walking, basketball or swimming. Add more activity choices to maximize your weight loss.
2 - Cut three unhealthy foods you eat every day for three months (Ber? Cookies?). Monitor the size of your portions at meals. (See information on serving sizes in Resources, below).
3 - Add resistance training, lifting weights two, five or seven kg (five, 10 or 15 pounds) three times a week. Do three sets of 12 repetitions.
4 - Add flexibility and stretching exercises (Yoga Tai chi?) To avoid injury.
Useful tips

1 - Weigh yourself once a week, at the same time, to measure your progress.
If you have a relapse, resume without delay. Do not waste your efforts. A bad day is a bad day, nothing more.
2 - While your clothes become too loose, take them out of your closet and donate them to charity.
3 - Drink plenty of fluids, about six to eight glasses a day.
Try our exclusive healthy recipes.
4 - Remember to avoid regaining weight, you must continue to be active and to monitor your calories.

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