*Lasting weight loss: exercise to lose weight and well reasoned Food Programme*

*Lasting weight loss: exercise to lose weight and well reasoned Food Programme*

A dramatic weight loss due to undue hardship is often short-lived. Make sports fitness exercises to lose weight and rationally feeding program is clearly preferable to a strict fasting to lose weight permanently. Paradoxically lunch is a bad solution to lose weight quickly and well.

A substantial calorie reduction and a sharp short-term effect; it is certainly possible to lose 5 kilos in 2 weeks but such a diet is too little about the main causes of excess fat. These causes are the lack of a daily sports exercise program to lose weight and bad eating behavior depriving the body of essential nutrients.

Losing 5 kilograms in 2 weeks by eating very little

Trying to lose 5 kilos in 2 weeks by following a strict diet to lose weight fast is paradoxically the first step towards weight gain! This is an opportunity to realize that diets are fattening and not lose weight. This statement may be surprising but in the long run, that's what happens. The solution to fast to lose weight quickly is a false good idea. It is certainly possible to lose 5 kilos in 2 weeks but dieters who has achieved this objective is severe, more weight loss is the result of a loss of water during the first days and muscle mass and the higher the risk is increased then regrossir!

For example, if after a severe weight loss program 2 weeks you have lost your 5 kilos quickly, it is likely that this weight loss will express the result of the disappearance of 3.5 kilos of muscle and water to only 1.5 kilos of fat. The reason is that for the body, this drastic reduction of food intake is a threat; it responds by saving fat reserves and are burning muscle tissue. Once your diet two weeks over, you go back to your old eating habits good and just as quickly you resume your 5 kilos ... as fat. For this reason cycle diet - weight gain - called yo-yo diet effect contributes in the long term, increase your body fat. In addition, you have less muscle mass the body burns fewer calories at rest; basal metabolism decreases. This change in body composition predisposed to obesity. Build muscles is essential to increase resting metabolism and thus weight loss.

Fasting to lose weight quickly is not a good long-term slimming program.

Solution to lose weight without regrossir: Regular moderate exercise and controlled diet.

To lose weight and maintain a healthy weight the right way is to follow the free program Slimming following:

a moderate exercise program, consisting mostly of easy exercises fitness if you start the sport, for example running our sports program for beginner alternating walking and jogging or our weight training program with exercises to body weight
a gradual modification program of diet and not a diet.
This solution leads to lasting weight loss because it allows:

burning calories,
to build muscles but not to volume,
to prevent the body to reduce the amount of calories burned at rest because it is the natural reaction of the body in case of excessive reduction of food intake,
to be sure that the weight lost is fat and not muscle or water as quickly causes but temporary sweating due for example to the port during exercise a sweat belt.

4 free programs for weight loss

Programs 1 and 2 allow you to lose 5 kilos in 3 months, all over the body if you take care to also reduce caloric balance

Reducing caloric balance

You calculated your ideal weight and you have concluded that you must reduce your current weight of 5 kilos. Your plan of action could be to make the muscular and cardiovascular endurance training 3 times a week and eating a fruit instead of a pastry for dessert at dinner. This will reduce your total caloric balance (the calories you eat fewer calories than you expend) 500 calories a day. If you adopt this behavior 5 to 7 days, you will be able to lose in 2 weeks 0.750 kilo (3,500 calories = 0.5 kg of fat). So you can lose 5 kilos in 3 months and a half. It's a bit longer than a miracle diet, but at least the weight loss is only a loss of fat; you do not have to change your lifestyle drastically and it is easier to maintain your new weight long term. An apple instead of a dessert and some fitness exercises are the only changes in your life. You may refer to the fitness program of 12 exercises next chapter for exercising to lose weight or rope-Squat program if you have a jump rope ... and a broomstick.

One consequence of the above is that if you want your losing 5 kilos before summer must start this program at best in early March. The longer you wait, the more you will be tempted by express weight loss regime whose effects, make no mistake, will be of very short duration.

Weight Training Program 1: 12 easy exercises to lose weight without hardware Fitness

This comprehensive program of weight-training circuit increases the tone and does not cause gain muscle volume, so it's especially good weight training program for women. It allows you to lose body fat, gain lean mass and thus increase the basal metabolism. It requires no equipment; it can be followed at home and requires no prior sports knowledge. ... Read more

Weight Training Program 2: Rope-Squat

To lose weight you can follow alternating a jump rope program and overhead squat, an exercise to body weight ...

Program 3: Lose weight on the thighs

You are a woman and you want to lose weight thighs? Your desire is not exceptional since, in women, the fat has an unfortunate tendency to attach to that body part. You must follow the woman to bodybuilding program above and add toning legs by explosive strength training exercises to avoid gaining muscle size.

Program 4: Losing weight on hips

To slim down the hips and lose love handles, which is rather the concern of men, we must once again make a low calorie diet and aerobic exercise and adding a transverse abdominal muscle, not great rights.


In summary, whether to lose belly, thighs or hips the best method to lose weight locally well and maintain a healthy weight is to combine:

an eating behavior modification program
a moderate intensity exercise program if you are beginner athlete but rather fast pace or fractionated and, if possible, on an empty stomach if you're a confirmed sports
a weight to body weight or light weights to tone up without taking volume.

The best sports program to lose weight for men and women is running because running is seeking two thirds of the human body muscles but there are many other sports for burning calories

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