seo keywords , keyword research .

Keyword Search . Make Money ads

We must admit that the search for keywords is not the most fun job in the SEO of a site or page, and yet it is a crucial step. The choice, relevance and abundance keywords or not contribute to the success of a page. Of course, it is obvious that the keywords on their own will not do anything and it will still work content for Internet users into thinking a little to his beloved J engines If you have the means some paid tools allow to have a list of highly relevant keywords with very statistics provided and targeting only the most profitable keywords. If these tools are not accessible to you now, there are free solutions, less complete course, which therefore require more work. As each tool needs to be known and / or tested, I speak of 2 in the case study

 The basic principles of search keywords

How to find keywords?

The keywords are still a mainstay elements referencing a site without them and without developed strategy, a site that will have little chance of being visible and thus get a good return on investment.
There are already millions of keywords on the web and you must be able to find them:

- Who are the best matches the theme of your business,
- Who are most often seized by users (interest)
- Whose competition is average in the search results (feasibility) - unless you have the means of your ambitions, of course, think before not waste your time unnecessarily J because it is at the netlinking, you will work and that you must make a difference.

If you can find a niche not too competitive, representative of your business and capture your target, then this is probably a good starting point!

Stop words, accents, singular, plural, sins, word order

All these points even if they appear to be to detail, are in fact essential for engines that tend to treat them differently in different cases.
Stops words, small words like "the," "of," "the," "in" ... etc, like accents (encoded & eacute; for the "é" é for the "è") should not be overlooked. And you have to spend time and check the record in the serp with or without stop words because once the page or site positioned on the keyword in question, it will be more difficult and take longer to change or keyword turn back.

What is the long tail and why consider?

The principle is quite old and was born of the law of Pareto, also known as Law 20/80 which helped to highlight the following rule: "20% of causes generate 80% of the effects." SEO is a bit the same as the 20% of high traffic queries will generate 80% of low traffic expressions. The long tail refers to low traffic queries on a large number of expressions composed of several words. Conversely, the short drags, these are high traffic queries on very few expressions consisting of one or two words.
With Hummingbird is clearly long tail keywords that are put forward and therefore an excellent way to increase its visibility in the search results. Search engines are becoming more and more answers engines, you will have more opportunity to highlight this type of application, and if Google has not already posted the answer in the serp, to have a few people clicking on your link!
To apply, there is no mystery, it will be necessary to work its keywords, its contents and all his titles and header tags.

The selection of keywords, a compromise between feasibility and interest

This step is to estimate the difficulty of setting up a keyword. Choose a keyword not typed by users, it's frankly: 0 tours 0 0 traffic conversions, so 0
down the line! Not very profitable while here, you say!

To optimize search keywords, get a quick overview and retain only the truly competitive words, it is useful to prefix his requests in the engine or allintitle allinanchor, meaning, respectively, the presence of the keyword in the tag title, and the anchor text link results of the motor. Be careful not to use the intitle command that takes into account that the first word, unlike allintitle that considers all the words. Put the keyword surrounded by "keyword" allows for searching of words in that order.

Commands to be entered in the search bar                  allintitle: "keyword"
                                                                                      allinanchor "keyword"

Then continues on the conventional method of calculation and manual if you do not have effective paid tools can generate all in no time!


§ Determines the speed of positioning, the difficulty level of a keyword,
§ To check the degree of competition,
§ The search volume each query is visible in the Google search engine,

More than 100 million of results: 0 - low Feasibility
50 to 100 million of results: 5
10 50 000 000 Results: 10
From 1 to 10 million of results: 15
Less than 1 million of results: 20 High Feasibility

ð using the tools then search for other terms associated with each keyword
ð Make a list
ð Unless you are armed and ready to invest time, opt preferably feasible for keywords and moderately feasible


§ Determine the level of commitment that have Internet users to a query,
§ Used to determine the number of monthly searches on the request in question,
§ The interpretation of this data will depend on your business and the theme you are targeting: If the number of monthly searches <200 but they bring you more customers that leads then the game will be worth much !
§ The level of competition will not profit you if you are considering a paid listing, otherwise it will not serve you or just in your study.

Less than 1 000 results 0 - Low Interest
From 1 001 to 10 000 results: 5
Between 10 001 and 50 000 results: 10
50 000 to 100 000 results: 15
More than 100 000 results: 20 - High interest

ð it will then check in serp competition for each keyword, see if they are not faced with large signs
ð It is clear that this case study is only a sampling of the overall study

Tools generators of keywords and technical advice

Weighted density and co-occurences

In the past, search engines favored the number of occurrences of a word in a page. Those days are gone but can we therefore say that a certain density allows to rank well in search results pages? This principle is valid for a long time since many sites rank no minimum density index in serp. However the reverse is not true, if the density of a keyword exceeds a certain threshold, you will be liable to a penalty for keyword stuffing. What the weighted density, ie the number of repetitions of a keyword in a page assigned a weight varying depending on its location (title tag, header tag, content etc ...)? The information provided is interesting in that it allows a rough estimate of the content of a page seo and check which keyword dominates it. Personally, I see more this information as a tool to help seo optimization rather than on-page data strictly accurate to sense (and the site brings some values, note that the data and values ​​displayed on two different interfaces, calculation methods look different).
Whatever the weighted density is not completely correct since the tool does not take into account the combination of words from the same family, called specifically lemmatisation (note suggested by O. Duffez) . Lemmatise a word is to the decline in its various forms such as with the traveler to travel word - travel - travel. To make it even more accurate result, we should also consider co-occurents terms (eg airplane airport - departure - flight). But only a sophisticated tool of natural language processing would provide these relevant results.

How do the keywords in content?

We have previously seen that Google does not give the same importance to the keywords in a page as they are in the title tag or in the textual content, but also in a previous article the importance of seo optimization on-site.

So what keywords place in which tags to optimize the referencing of its pages?

Title tag: the most important keyword - flagship query
Categories 1st level: important keywords representing the themes of each category
H1 tag: co-occurring keywords, synonymous
URL: co-occurring keywords, synonymous
H2-H6 tags: keyword long tail
Textual content: keyword long tail

What are the solutions and tools for faders, generate keywords?

Comments and opinions
Keyword competitors (keywords meta tag or SEMrush)
The research involved in the serp

The modules autocompletion
§ Google suggest

§ Ubersuggest
§ SEMrush
§ wordtracker
§ keyword discovery
§ seo book
§ Thefreedictionnary
§ Wordstream
§ Google webmaster tools
§ Google analytics

§ Google Trends and Google Insights

Generators keywords
§ Adwords
§ Myposeo
§ Yooda webtools and suggest Yooda
§ Rank Tracker seo powersuite

The home tools
§ Script php Johan Puisais

Some basic tips to get started?

§ It is good to start with generic keywords, preferably, to have a wider choice, you then affinerez with the proposals of the tools.
§ historicize the list of all the keywords in a document that you will treasure and that you will update regularly.
§ While soaking up the theme from
§ The key words of the title tag are very important, they must be carefully selected
§ Each landing page, category-silo, you should define the specific keyword that characterize each category to fully optimize their visibility
§ The list of ideal keywords does not exist here in reassurance over a J
§ On the contrary, she will shape over time and as and statistics (google webmaster tools, google analytics)
§ Provide time on this final stage (it is clear that time is not enough :)

Implementation with a practical case

I would soon open a shop online of flip flops (why not?) First, would you have written this way? Perfect unique writing but this is not enough, we must also look for mistakes that people can make on that word and all possible variants existing for writing the word "tong".

Different writings and associations
So I input "tong" in my search bar to try to learn more about the different scripts. I find a link to the inevitable Wikipedia gives me the following equivalences: tongue, Tongo, sandals, sandal, tap and gougoune (very nice Quebecois term J)
If I try "tongue" in google search, I do not get much that has to do with my tong to me, so I try a more specific term "tongue woman" impeccable and there, I get results interesting: online shops, adwords. Tongo do not help me. Despite appearances, the keyword "gougoune" sounds interesting since the results of serp are related to the subject, there is less competition and it seems to be little online stores, but it will still check in adwords keyword it is often typed (in Quebec certainly!)
At this point, I add on my list: tong - tongue - barefoot -sandale - tap - gougoune

I refine my results by searching with any synonymous on Crisco Nothing holds my attention

Google Trends

The keyword does not seem to suffer abnormal drop in traffic and even more "in shape"

Google Suggest, autocompletion
The Google search bar allows me to retrieve new terms and I joined them to my original list.

Google Related Searches
A quick stop in searches related to further attempt to recover more keywords.

Ubersuggest / KeywordTool
A must in this essential database. Here, there are no other solutions than to peel one by one each result to retain the most interesting expressions to your list. It may be noted that the tool has the same results with more choices "alphabetical letter + keyword". Ubersuggest displays the result "keyword + White" that does not seem to show Make the two solutions do not miss the "keyword gold" J

Well, the results are not very interesting between the Chinese calendar shu tong, tong tiga musician and General Tax Directorate tong cuc thue, hopefully better, I still remember "tong kickers."

An indispensable tool, but paying is very sophisticated that brings a time saver!
I integrate the plural variations offered me the tool, they should not be neglected.

Yooda webtools / Yooda suggest
Another tool very well who needs no introduction, and to optimize and simplify its research.

Also in the fee, a comprehensive and powerful tool.

Much has been made of this tool on the web, I watched the video and here looks to me to be a considerable time in selecting keywords.

Google Webmaster Tools
We often forget this tool that can bring a lot of keyword ideas since it is the seizures of Internet users.

Google Analytics
Despite the impressive rate of NOTPROVIDED, you can still get some ideas.

Google Adwords
Previously, you have taken care to cross the whole list you just be to get some more terms. You may have a very long list but the last sorting step will be to remove all non-relevant cases.
We obviously ends with the ultimate keyword planning tool to recover in passing other words but also to check the volume of monthly searches to see if the keywords that have been selected are often typed by the user. So in this step is recovered and new ideas are added to our original list. The case is removed with "-" that is to say non-typed keywords and those whose volume is less than 300, the threshold that I fixed but you can of course a fix other, will depend on the goals you want to achieve. Then you download this list in Excel to continue your selection.

Last selection step, operate the excel list

Determining indices feasibility and interest based slices below. Adding these two factors, we get a more realistic level of difficulty.
I keep the strongest terms (indices green background) to the title tag and the categories of the first level. All other terms will be distributed in the header tags and text content.
Note: This list includes only a portion of keywords.


Less than 1 000 results 0 -                  Low Interest
From 1 001 to 10 000 results: 5
Between 10 001 and 50 000 results: 10
50 000 to 100 000 results: 15
More than 100 000 results: 20           - High Interest


More than 100 million of results: 0          Difficult
50 to 100 million of results: 5
10 50 000 000 Results: 10
From 1 to 10 million of results: 15
Less than 1 million of results: 20 -            Feasible


This study is only a sampling of the overall search keyword that would be much longer to achieve. It is obvious that each keyword research is more or less complex according to the competition, the results of volume, the theme and the target. That is why, before attacking a comprehensive study of keywords, it's best to start by performing a prior impact study.

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