The ozone, the pollutant summer

The sun, little wind and exhaust: the perfect cocktail for ozone formation. A peak pollution is announced today, July 1, in Paris, in the south-west and the Rhône-Alpes. Our tips.

It is a great summer classic: the peak of ozone pollution is back. Exceeding the regulatory thresholds announced in several regions of France for the day of July 1, including Ile-de-France, Rhône-Alpes and Aquitaine.

This form of pollution is not limited to big cities. It is not uncommon for high concentrations are detected in the country: the pollutants emitted over cities move with the air masses, and then turn into ozone in rural areas.

Ozone is in fact a "secondary" pollutant which is formed by said chemical reaction from several elements: the presence of nitrogen oxides in the air (in particular from road traffic), emissions volatile organic compounds (including from gasoline, aerosol sprays, paints, glues ...), all combined to strong sunlight. If, in addition, the wind is not the appointment to disperse these substances, all the ingredients together to form a peak of pollution. All sensitive people feel the airways immediately.

A health risk

Indeed, ozone is an irritant gas that, by penetrating in the bronchi, can trigger fits of dry cough, breathing difficulties or even an asthma attack. It can also cause eye irritation. Cardiovascular effects have also been noted. Children, the elderly and the sick are most vulnerable in this type of situation.

What to do in case of peak ozone?

- Do not sport or physical activity in the heat.

- Air your home during the cooler hours: early morning or evening.

- Whenever possible, avoid taking your vehicle. Opt for transport.
- Avoid using aerosol cans (for example mosquito) or fresh paint your home to limit emissions of volatile organic compounds.

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